Support and services specifically for NHS Grampian Employees

My Healthy Workplace


How much exercise do I need?


To stay healthy, it is recommended that adults aged 19-64 and 65+ should aim for 150 minutes of moderate activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity.  This may seem a lot to try to fit in, but it is easier to break it down into smaller chunks, trying to be physically active every day. Over a week you should aim to do a mix of aerobic activity and strength exercises.

How much exercise do I need.jpg


If you are interested in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Early Years (Under 5's), Children and Young People (5 to 18 years), Adults (19 - 64 years) and Older People (65+) take a look here:

Physical Activity Guidlines | NHS Inform

If you can’t achieve these activity levels initially then don’t worry, any activity is better than nothing at all.


Your Health